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About the Journal

The Swiss Journal of Sociology (SJS) is a multi-lingual Open Access peer review journal, which provides the main platform for presenting and debating sociological research in Switzerland. From its first appearance in 1975, it has reflected key developments in Swiss and international sociology.

The SJS encourages contributions from all areas of sociology. It considers the plurality of theoretical and methodological approaches in empirical research and theory building. Articles published should be of interest to Swiss sociology by engaging with current trends in sociology theoretically and/or methodologically. Submitted contributions will be considered for publication independent of the author’s institutional or national background.

The SJS is published by the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA) three times per year, employing a rapid and efficient review process that emphasizes transparency and clarity.

The SJS receives funding from the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Current Issue

Vol. 50 No. 3 (2024)
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